Long Term Care Insurance Katy – What It Is and Why You Need It
Long Term Care Insurance Katy – Did you know that by the time you reach 65 years old, there’s a 70% chance you will need long term care? Those are pretty high odds. So what can you do to protect yourself, your money and your family now?
You should prepare for the future by getting a Katy Long Term Care Insurance policy, or as we refer to it ‘LTC’.
The idea behind a Houston long term care insurance plan is to help you stay in your Houston or Katy home for as long as possible. Medicare will pay only for a limited time for long term care. People who need long term care usually need it for 3 years or longer. Medicare will only pay for a few days, not for years. And, Medicaid only pays for people with no assets. In order to qualify for Medicaid, you must own next to NOTHING!
Isn’t Long Term Care Insurance the same as Nursing Home Insurance?
Long Term Care Insurance Katy was designed to keep you in your home for as long as possible. There are so many more choices these days than just going into a nursing home.
Today’s seniors can live in Assisted Living Facilities, go to an Adult Day Care, have a home health care worker come into their home or they can go into a nursing home. Usually the nursing home is the last option for many seniors.
Most people prefer to live out their lives in their own homes for as long as they are able. A Katy Long Term Care Plan helps them to do just that. Health care workers can come into your home on an hourly basis for as long as needed. It can range from a few hours a week to 24-hour care. Having a long term care policy will pay for your care when you need it whether you are at home, in a facility or even in a nursing home.
The idea behind a Katy and Houston long term care insurance plan is to help you stay in your home for as long as possible. Medicare will pay only for a limited time for long term care. People who need long term care need it for 3 years or longer. Medicare will only pay for a few days, not for years. And, Medicaid only pays for people with no assets. In order to qualify for Medicaid, you must own next to NOTHING!
Long Term Care is NOT Nursing Home Insurance
I don’t know anyone who wants to go into a nursing home. Everyone I see wants care at home for as long as possible. That is the beauty of putting a plan in place now while you still can. Did you know that most claims for long term care Katy are for people between 18 and 64, not old people!
Not everyone in Katy who wants a long term care policy can qualify for a Houston long term care policy. That’s primarily because of health issues. In order to qualify for long term care insurance and put a plan in place, you must be in reasonably good health.
In other words, the better your health, the more likely you are to qualify for a policy.
I’m sure many of you have watched “Uncle George” decline in his ability to care for himself after suffering a stroke. “Aunt Betty” quit her job to stay home and take care of him because someone had to.
She works tirelessly taking care of him—dressing him every morning, preparing meals, feeding or helping him eat, cleaning house, running errands, taking him to his doctor’s appointments, to his barber, washing his clothes, helping him to the bathroom, assisting him with his bath or shower and helping him get into and out of bed. “Aunt Betty” does this day in and day out.
Someone has to help “Uncle George” and since she is his wife, it is expected of her.
They do well once they get the routine down. They get a system going—getting up at the same time each day and ending the day at the same time each night. This goes well for them for a while, maybe years. But then the money gets tight and “Uncle George’s” health declines more.

What happens when your health declines?
Aunt Betty’s health takes a turn downhill as well. She looks older, tired and rundown. She has developed health issues of her own and she is having a hard time caring for her husband. But she hides it from the family so they won’t both be put into a nursing home.
If any of this sounds familiar it’s because most people have a Katy or Houston family member who has needed care at one time. Let this be a lesson to put a plan in place BEFORE you need it while you are still young enough and healthy enough to qualify for it. Let your loved ones oversee your care, NOT become your caretaker. Houston long term care insurance does this for you – gives you peace of mind in case of the unexpected.
The next step is to contact me – I am an LTC Insurance specialist
Katy Long Term Care insurance | Disability Insurance Katy | Katy Life Insurance | Katy Health Insurance
I show what Katy long term care insurance options are right for you so you can make an informed decision.
When Is The Right Time Of Life To Buy LTC Insurance?
I recently received a phone call that caught me by surprise. It happened when I was out of town on a short vacation. I had just walked into my room at the hotel when my phone rang. Since I did not immediately recognize the number, I let it go to voice mail while I got settled in my room.
After I had unpacked, I retrieved the message only to hear the voice of a man who I had met with about this time last year. He had saved my card and called me. Of course I remembered him and I quickly returned his call.
Robert and I had met at least 2 previous times last year. I had shown him various Katy long term care insurance plans but he “had to think about it” since he wasn’t quite sure what he needed.
After we met, I called him and emailed him but he never replied. So, I placed his contact information in the “maybe” file and decided to contact him “every now and then.” Every buyer needs time to weigh long term insurance pros and cons.
Usually when I get an unsolicited call like this one, something has happened in the person’s life to trigger the call. So when I got him on the phone I asked him what prompted him to call me now. He said that his financial planner mentioned that he really should have a long-term care plan in place! Hence, the phone calls to me! So we set about getting him long term care insurance quotes from the major ltc insurance companies.
I visited Robert again but this time I met his beautiful wife, Maria who was just as nice and kind as he was. I told Robert that since I live an hour from him in Katy, I wasn’t leaving until I answered all his questions and found the perfect plan for him. I showed him plans and two hours later, Robert picked one that gave him the protection he needed and I walked out with a signed application.
Have you had a parent, a spouse or a grandparent decline?
Maybe they had a stroke, or a disease like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
Who cared for them? Did a family member help out? Did they go into an assisted living facility? And most importantly, how was it paid for?
The majority of people I meet don’t think that a Katy long-term care incident could happen to them. They are in denial. I can understand. No one WANTS to have help getting dressed, or bathing or eating. But when the nation is growing older and older, long term care issues are inevitable. Women are the ones who will need care longer since women usually live longer than men. It’s time to get familiar with long term care insurance cost.
Rates on long term care policies for single, divorced or widowed women are increasing. This is because women make up over 60% of all long term care claims. So, naturally, their rates will increase since they need care longer than men.
The rates for women will rise about 40% in some cases. This is WHY it is even more important to at least learn about your options for a Katy long term care insurance policy. You should speak with someone who is an expert in Katy long term care insurance. You need an agent that is trained to know all the “ins and outs” of long term care policies in Katy. You want that agent to help you make an informed decision by giving you choices, and helping you make the right choice for you and your situation. That’s why a Katy long term care specialist is so very important.
Not everyone who wants a long term care policy can qualify
It’s primarily because of health issues. In general, you must be in reasonably good health to qualify, so the time to put a Katy long term care plan in place is BEFORE your health begins to fail.
People ask me all the time, “How do I qualify for a long term care policy?” In order to qualify an applicant for a policy, there are several health questions that must be answered. I will ask about the prescription medications taken, for what condition, the frequency and for how long the meds have been prescribed. What surgeries, if any, have been performed recently? Another question that is just as important is if the applicant has any type of ongoing health issue or diagnoses, such as, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even diabetes. All of these issues and others will be paramount in determining if you are able to qualify for a plan.
Another factor in determining eligibility for a long term care plan is your mental capacity. People diagnosed and taking medications for Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia will not qualify for a plan. But, there may be other alternatives for them to consider. That is why speaking with a Katy long term care insurance specialist, like myself, is an important part of the learning process.